Neurologically Atypical

Life, the Universe and Everything from an Autism Spectrum Perspective. - WTF?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Working like a dog for the Bossman.

Work as a temp for a multi-national (I hate the pc term 'trans-national' as it sounds like patrioticTG/Is) insurance company is soul-destroying. "Hello Mr./Mrs./Miss/MS. Stoatgobbler. My name is Darren and I'm calling from Clone and Associates. You haven't heard of Stone? We are a scum-sucking insurance company with a bad reputation for customer services who wants to steal all your hard-earnt money. Our brokers will visit you with an over inflated quote at a time that suits you, but only if you meet our tough grading criteria. Have a nice day! And oh, would you like frys with that?" Yet my job enables me to have enough money left over after paying the bills to buy a beer and go to the occasional movie. My supervisors are two 30-something chicks who are younger than me (sad!), and if we do well we sometimes get chocolate or wine. Most of my co-workers, the ones who are left after those who quit and or were fired, are mostly Commerce students from Vic Uni'.


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